Facts About Orthodontics
In most cases crooked teeth are inherited. For example, if a patient inherits large teeth from one parent and a small jaw from the other, a crowding problem will result. Additionally, habits such as thumb sucking and tongue thrusting can cause malocclusion. Accidents, which cause damage to the jaw while the teeth are developing, also can lead to crooked teeth.
Yes, unless the orthodontist is hindered by skeletal or growth problems, which may require surgery. Or a relapse may occur if the patient doesn’t wear the retainer after the braces have been removed.
Fees range from under $1,000 to over $3,000 depending upon the difficulty of the case and the necessary procedure. Orthodontics is relatively economical considering the time it takes to complete a treatment, and the lifelong esthetic and psychological benefits. Payment plans are usually available for most treatments.
Yes, more companies are providing dental insurance in their group plans. Discuss your insurance coverage with your orthodontist to help ensure that you take advantage of any coverage offered in your plan.
It ranges from a few months to more than two years. Most cases average between 18 months to 30 months.
Yes, dramatic facial changes are often the result of orthodontic treatment. These changes are very gradual, and usually pleasing to the patient. Facial surgery can create more rapid results and is sometimes recommended along with orthodontic therapy.
Usually, if they have a positive attitude and really want to improve their appearance, they will be happy with the end result. Cooperation is most often related to the patient’s desire for self-improvement. This desire, along with cooperation always seems to lead to a satisfied patient at the end of treatment.
Yes! Cooperate with the doctor, keep your orthodontic appointments, brush your teeth and braces properly, and see your family dentist regularly. These simple things will assure a speedy and comfortable period of treatment.
Sweets and soft drinks should be avoided. Also, no chewing on ice cubes or foods that are hard, sticky or gooey.